Entering pets (dogs and cats) to Bolivia


  1. Pet dogs and cats traveling to Bolivia must have an International Health Certificate for Dogs and Cats, issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. You should download this document from the Agency’s website. The document must also be authenticated by Global Affairs*.
  2. After this process, the document should be sent to the Consular Section of the Embassy of Bolivia in Ottawa in order for it to be legalized.
  3. The consular fee for the legalization of US$ 50.00 payable in US$ by Money Order or Certified Cheque to the “Embassy of Bolivia”.
  4. If you don’t live in Ottawa, please send along with your documents a pre-paid self-addressed envelope for us to return your documentation.
  5. In addition, you must contact your airline company and find out what are the requirements for the transportation of your pet.

* For information on authenticating documents in Global Affairs Canada, visit link